With an increasing
responsibilities and the level of stress in our life, we are gradually moving
away from ourselves. A trouble-free life has become a thing of the past, and
even the young, fresh youth has started increasing restless and distracted. In
such conditions, it becomes tough for a person to give full concentration and
focus on anything. Yoga could be the key to a relaxed and energetic mind,
regardless of factors like age or gender. It has been studied and proven that
Yoga helps the brain increase its overall activity, improves your blood
circulation. We have listed out a few basic Yoga postures and exercises that will help you keep your mind
healthy and under your control.
Kapalbhati Pranayama
As a breathing
exercise, this Pranayama ensures a healthy pulmonary system. It allows a smooth
and relaxed breathing process, which in turn eliminates all the tensions
amassed in your mind and body. This exercise is performing while sitting down.
This should be repeated for at least 5 minutes in order to get satisfactory
Anulom Vilom
The breathing
pattern followed in this exercise allows your body to open up from within to
produce a high degree of energy. This way, your mind releases all the negativity
it had been protecting, allows a total detox, and prepares itself for healthy
and focused mental activities.
Bhastrika Pranayama
This breathing
exercise is generally carried out to detoxify your upper body and fortify your
heart and lungs. It clears your air tracts and opens up any blockages in your
body. To perform Bhastrika Pranayama, you need to sit cross-legged. You have to
fetch your focus on your breathing pattern and then slowly try to guide it.
Begin with inhaling a long, deep breath, focusing prominently on how the air
enters through your nose and through your air tracts, reaches your lungs.
It is mostly used
to treat people who suffer from the problems of migraines, insomnia, or major
headaches. It helps you sleep better and hence allows your brain to function at
its best.
The asana is mostly
practiced to maintain physical body balance while also confirming equilibrium
within the body.
This one is a sitting-down pose asana. The position of
sitting makes the practitioner shape up like a lotus and hence the name Padma
asana. It helps you stay calm and keep focus for long time.
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