Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Improving Mental Concentration with Yoga

Nowadays we are living in modern society, our pace of living became faster, and with
restricted time in a day, we became living in a multitasking way. For instance, we are preparing dinner while watching television; or we are typing our emails while talking on the phone.
With this method of living, I would comment on it as decreasing our efficiency as well as ruining our
concentration ability, which we were born to be single-tasking. It also would make our minds
not clear with many thoughts revolving around. I do believe it is expressively important for us
to gain back our mental focus so that we can have a more peaceful, stress-free, and happier life. As a yoga practitioner, I truly believe and experienced that yoga definitely can help us to attain better mental health as well as increase concentration.
Asanas and Benefits
One of the beauty of yoga asana is you can obtain the benefits of that posture physically as
well as mentally. Mainly, when you start practicing asanas, by bringing the alertness to
your body parts, way of breathing and dristi (where you look at), they all help you to emphasis in
relaxing yourself and increasing your mental awareness. The following recommends some
asanas that can focus more on improving mental concentration.
·         Vrksasana
·         Garudasana
·         Parivrtta Utkatasana
·         Ustrasana
·         Paschimottanasana
·         Pranayama
·         Yogic breathing
·         Nadi Shodhana Pranayama
·         Nasagra Mudra
·         Bhramari Pranayama 
·         Trataka meditation
Meditation is also an effective way to help to progress mental concentration. When you started
mediation, you will try to stay focused and learn to not go into thoughts, which is a brilliant
concentration training.
The best time to do mediation would be in the morning preferably before sunrise and in
the evening after sunset.
Daily lifestyle
You can bring yogic knowledge to our daily lives simply even you do not have time for asanas
practice or mediation
. Possibly you may be busy with work or family; however, no matter
how busy you are, you still have to eat, sleep, and drink. A proper diet and sleeping pattern
can help make the balance in your body, relieve stress, and improve mental clarity.
Yoga can definitely help to improve your physical and mental health.
However, it is more important that you make the decision to permit yoga to be with you in
your life journey. Without that, yoga can never be able to help. Once you accepted yoga, all
the above yoga asanas, pranayama, meditation, and daily life-style would all work
together to help you maintain a good physical body and increasing your mental

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